Hüseyin and David discuss various issues relating to treatment and recovery. Huseyin emphasises that parts of the treatment system need more humanity in the way they interact with, and talk about, recovering people. Many services view recovering people as an monetised asset that can be used to help attract more funding for their organisation, rather than focus on celebrating people’s recovery. David emphasises that recovery is self-healing. Practitioners don’t fix people; they catalyse and support the natural resources of the person. Too many practitioners think they are the one to have done the work. 21 June 2022. [7’58”] You can link to 11 other parts of this podcast.
Recovery is Self-Healing: ‘Journeys’ Podcast with David Clark & Huseyin Djemil
February 3, 2023 by David Clark
Filed Under: Film Tagged With: addiction treatment, humanity, Huseyin Djemil, podcast, self-healing, treatment system