My Apologies

I need to apologise that I have not posted on our Recovery Stories website for some time now. This is due to focusing on my Recovery Voices project and website, both done in collaboration with Wulf Livingston of North Wales, and enjoying a month-long visit from our youngest son Sam. During Sam’s visit, we spent five days in Sydney visiting my youngest daughter Natasha who is currently a Sydney tour guide for Welcome To Travel.

I thought I would remind you about the Recovery Voices website, which has been developed by Ash Whitney of Wired Up Wales (who also created the present website):

‘Recovery Voices, developed by David Clark and Wulf Livingston, captures conversations about what works in supporting recovery from addiction, and in the development of peer-led recovery communities, from a range of individuals with lived experience, as well as friends of recovery.

We highlight common messages and learnings that come from these conversations, providing a resource for people working with, and supporting, recovery and recovery communities.

We celebrate the lives and successes of recovering people and recovery communities, and in doing so enhance the visibility of recovery and highlight what can be achieved.

We encourage the development of new peer-led recovery communities and their interaction with other initiatives.’

To date, Wulf and I have interviewed eight people for the Recovery Voices project, six of whom appear with links to  film clips of their interviews on our People page. These six are James Deakin (North Wales Recovery Communities), Wendy Dossett (Emeritus Professor at University of Chester), Huseyin Djemil (Towards Recovery), Marcus Fair (Eternal Media), Wulf Livingston (Professor of Alcohol Studies, Wrexham University), and Dr. David McCartney (Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme).

I am currently editing films for the two latest people that Wulf has interviewed, Rhoda Emlyn-Jones (Cardiff County Council) and Tim Leighton (formerly Action on Addiction). They will appear on our website in the New Year.

You can learn about the Recovery Voices project and website, and us, via the following links:

> Why, What, How?

> Our Website

> About Us

Please check out Recovery Voices. Wishing you the very best for Christmas and the New Year.