Recovery Stories is committed to helping individuals and families recover from addiction and mental health problems

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“Creating hope, understanding and a sense of belonging”

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The book is dedicated to my four children, Natasha, Sam, Ben and Annalie, and grandchildren Ally and Evie. We may be far apart in distance, but you are always close to my heart.

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Journeys, Part 2: Living With Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction often leads to changes in a person’s relationships, lifestyle, physical and psychological health, values, and identity. Some heroin addicts engage in criminal activity to maintain their habit. Heroin addicts are stigmatised by wider society. (5,643 words) *

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What is Recovery from Addiction?: Beth Burgess

Recovery Coach Beth Burgess points out that a lot of people don’t realise that there is a difference between recovery from addiction and being clean and sober. She describes her experiences of when she first tried to get sober—it was horrible. Now she is in recovery, Beth doesn’t have those negative experiences, like intense cravings […]

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Bill White’s Talk in London, 2009

Film from William L White’s talk at an addiction recovery conference on 18 March 2009 in London organised by Action on Addiction and Wired In. Six clips focus on recovery advocacy, recovery communities, recovery management and treatment. 

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Shocking History Impacts on the Health and Wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples

Professor Marion Kickett relates how she and the other Noongar children in York, Western Australia, were not allowed to swim in a particular area of the river. When she was fifteen, her father described how he and his friends were similarly told by their parents not to swim in that location. He also related the […]

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“Connecting recovering people to inspire, learn from, and support each other.”