Recovery Stories is committed to helping individuals and families recover from addiction and mental health problems

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“Creating hope, understanding and a sense of belonging”

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The book is dedicated to my four children, Natasha, Sam, Ben and Annalie, and grandchildren Ally and Evie. We may be far apart in distance, but you are always close to my heart.

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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 12-Step Movement, and Minnesota Model

Describes the nature of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), other 12-Step programmes, and the Minnesota Model, how they developed, and the key assumptions that underlie their approach. (1,320 words)

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Authentics: SMART Recovery USA

AUTHENTICS is an amazing new dramatic film about addiction and recovery, and the first-ever to feature SMART Recovery in its storyline. It centers around a young photographer struggling with addiction who books a job to shoot an engagement party. She meets a man who is no stranger to addiction himself who gently introduces her to […]

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Mike Scott’s Tunes

Recovery can be lonely at times, so Mike has selected a number of his favourite inspirational songs from YouTube. Mike is 42 years in recovery and you can read his Recovery Story on this website. 

Random Healing

Gabor Maté: Our Strange Indifference to Aboriginal Addiction

“Addicts are made, not born, and the most common precursors are early childhood privation, neglect and abuse. For several generations, Canada’s native children have been far more likely to suffer grinding penury, abuse and childhood substance addictions than non-natives.” Gabor Maté Marlene, a 46-year old native woman, sat in my office last week, slumped on […]

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“Connecting recovering people to inspire, learn from, and support each other.”