Search Results for: benzodiazepine

‘Benzodiazepines treat anxiety, cause long-term problems’ by Markian Hawryluk

…cripts per patient in one year. More than 1 in 10 Oregonians were taking a benzodiazepine last year. Moreover, 45 percent of those taking benzodiazepines refilled their prescription for at least three consecutive months. “Oftentimes, these are prescribed first when there are other alternatives,” said Todd Beran, program coordinator for the monitoring program. “Maybe 1 percent of the population is receiving it on a monthly basis over time, but 1 pe…

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‘Benzodiazepine Guidance’ by djmac

…r prolonged use, which will resolve within 6 months or a year of stopping• Benzodiazepines may also aggravate depression and can precipitate suicidal tendencies in depressed patients Use of benzodiazepine and Z-drug hypnotics is associated with an increased risk of many physical health conditions and death Fits are rare. The guidance is solid, based on evidence or experience and is certainly the best and most robust piece of work I have seen on th…

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‘My Story of Benzo Withdrawal and Activism’ by Barry Haslam

…them. In 2004 I managed to ‘persuade’ Oldham Primary Care Trust to fund a Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Service for persons living in the town. We estimated that at the time we had 5,200 such long-term prescribed benzodiazepine drug addicts in our area. The contract to provide such services was won by a Charity called Addiction Dependency Solutions (ADS) which has over 30 branches in the northwest of England. It is the only National Health fully-fund…

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Marta’s Story: Recovering from benzodiazepine addiction

…search on diazepam. I did not know that my meds belonged to a group called benzodiazepines… when I typed benzodiazepine that’s when I accidentally found Benzo Island. It was a support forum and I could not believe how my story was so common. People like me with the same complaints! It was sad but also a huge RELIEF to me. I could hardly see with the floods of tears in my eyes… I wasn’t going mad. It wasn’t all in my head. I managed to type a few w…

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‘Prescribing Influences in Mental Health’ by Heather Ashton

…e effects of prescription drugs on the mind. Professor Ashton’s manual for benzodiazepine withdrawal is available worldwide at no financial benefit for the author but of great emotional and personal benefit to many thousands of people who have accessed this detailed manual. The manual is available on and many other web sites. Professor Ashton ran a benzodiazepine withdrawal clinic in Newcastle for several years and helped hundreds of…

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‘Why Don’t They Know? A Letter to My Doctor’ by Lisa D.

…ated, depressed, insecure, angry, confused shell of a person. These drugs, benzodiazepines especially in my case, were soul-sucking, and I believe this happens to most people in time, causing a descent into the world of psychiatric diagnosis and drugging that many never escape from. After our relationship ended, I was hospitalized twice at Rogers, completed two extensive partial programs there, and was given more diagnoses and even more drugs. I w…

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Factors Facilitating Recovery: Understanding

…aused by past traumas by going to their GP, where they may be prescribed a benzodiazepine drug such as Valium. This class of drugs is highly addictive. Other people drink alcohol excessively, while others turn to the ‘street’ to obtain and use heroin. This drug alleviates both physical and psychological pain. A person who has been traumatised by physical, sexual or psychological abuse as a child will not only feel the powerful analgesic effects of…

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What Works in Treatment?: Sapphire’s Story, Part 2

…therefore a bit easier to taper from. Moreover, as they are a long-acting benzodiazepine, they are supposedly easier to come off than the shorter-acting benzos, although they certainly didn’t feel ‘easy’. I started on 40mg/day of diazepam and reduced by 1mg a week. The detox from benzos was one of the worst things I have ever been through. I continued being reduced by 1mg a week until I got to 2mg a day of diazepam, and then my GP stopped the scr…

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‘A Caregiver’s Story – And How I Became an Addict’ by Madeline Goldstein

…Caregiving and Minnetonka, MN: Evercare. (2) Madeline Goldstein has been a dance and fitness instructor for over 10 years. She is also a freelance writer and community activist. She presently resides in Boulder, CO and is in the process of forming a psych med support group in her area.’ I am amazed and touched by the courage that Madeline has shown during her experiences. Her Story will help…

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‘It Gets Better!’ by Bertel Rüdinger

…writing the letter. That process is bogged down in a neuroleptic mist and benzodiazepine-induced haze but somehow I had both the strength and the insight to write this letter to my future self. I remember seeing the envelope when I moved to a supported living facility in 2006 and again in 2009 when I moved into my own apartment and lastly when I bought my current home and moved there in 2011. In 2006 and in 2009 I was still heavily medicated so I…

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Kevan’s Recovery Story: ‘He’s a Loser and Will Never Be Any Good’

…body. See Wikipedia for more information. [4] Zoplicone (Imovane) is a non-benzodiazepine drug used to treat insomnia. Tolerance can develop rapidly to the drug and withdrawal effects can be severe after withdrawal. The drug has strong addictive potential. [5] A Polkey deduction is a deduction made from a compensatory award in an unfair dismissal case to reflect the chance that although a dismissal was procedurally unfair it would have happened in…

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‘Recovery and Renewal’ by Baylissa Frederick

…don ‘This book gives warm-hearted understanding and practical advice about benzodiazepine and antidepressant dependence and withdrawal. It is based on personal experience, since the author has herself been through withdrawal. She is an experienced counsellor who has already helped many others through her support group, Recovery Road; this new edition will extend her proved success and will be a help to many others.‘ Professor C Heather Ashton, DM,…

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Sapphire’s Recovery Story: ‘It Should All Be About the Person’

…that I could avoid the speed comedown by taking a few temazepam or valium [benzodiazepines or ‘benzos’] when I wanted to come down. I tried this… and wow! Not only did they bring me down from the speed, but they made me feel lovely, like being wrapped up in a big snuggly blanket. This drug use carried on for a few months, until one time when I’d been on a bender for a few days and needed to come down, and couldn’t find any benzos. A ‘friend’ of mi…

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Factors That Facilitate Addiction Recovery

…ample, abrupt withdrawal from long-term use of Valium (diazepam) and other benzodiazepines, drugs which are prescribed to alleviate anxiety and insomnia, can lead to pronounced anxiety, insomnia, agitation, intrusive thoughts and panic attacks. In addition, people withdrawing from benzodiazepines can experience physical withdrawal signs, such as burning sensations, feeling of electric shocks, and full-blown seizures. The duration and strength of t…

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What Works in Treatment: Sapphire’s Story, Part 2

…therefore a bit easier to taper from. Moreover, as they are a long-acting benzodiazepine, they are supposedly easier to come off than the shorter-acting benzos, although they certainly didn’t feel ‘easy’. I started on 40mg/day of diazepam and reduced by 1mg a week. The detox from benzos was one of the worst things I have ever been through. I continued being reduced by 1mg a week until I got to 2mg a day of diazepam, and then my GP stopped the scr…

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My Journey: 3. Learning About Addiction Treatment – My WGCADA Experience, Part 2

…symptoms. Monitoring the latter is particularly important with alcohol and benzodiazepine dependence, since seizures that can occur during withdrawal from these substances can be life-threatening. Periods of abstinence; past treatment, nature of services and what happened. Lifestyle and social stability (e.g., accommodation; vocational and financial background; interests and hobbies); past psychological, physical, or sexual abuse. Family backgroun…

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Critical Psychiatry Textbook, Chapter 1: Why a Critical Textbook of Psychiatry?—Peter Gøtzsche MD

…refore not surprising that a Cochrane review found that alprazolam, an old benzodiazepine, performed better than placebo for depression and similarly to tricyclic depression pills.23 Psychiatric drugs work more or less in the same way, either by suppressing emotional reactions so that people get numbed and pay less attention to significant disruptions in their lives, or by stimulating them.2,5,21 I shall therefore avoid the conventional nomenclatu…

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Factors That Facilitate Addiction Recovery

…ample, abrupt withdrawal from long-term use of Valium (diazepam) and other benzodiazepines, drugs which are prescribed to alleviate anxiety and insomnia, can lead to pronounced anxiety, insomnia, agitation, intrusive thoughts and panic attacks. In addition, people withdrawing from benzodiazepines can experience physical withdrawal signs, such as burning sensations, feeling of electric shocks, and full-blown seizures. The duration and strength of t…

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Psychoactive Drugs and Their Effects

…whilst under the influence of amphetamine. Users may use depressant drugs (benzodiazepines, alcohol, opiates) to take ‘the edge off’ the effects of the stimulant. These depressant drugs can help them feel less anxious both during and after the amphetamine experience. Research suggests that users who abuse stimulants and depressants experience more psychological and physical problems than those who only abuse stimulants. In general, the behavioural…

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My Journey: 16. A Major Life Change

…nymous (NA). We also started receiving stories from people recovering from benzodiazepine (e.g. Librium) addiction. These stories revealed how severe the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms could be after withdrawal from long-term use of ‘benzos’. 2. Anxiety When I had arrived back in the UK after my latest trip to Australia in January, I immediately started to experience strong anxiety about returning to the toxic environment in which…

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